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SoccerLAB Documentation
2021/1 SoccerLAB Release Notes
Hereby we present the release notes of Feature Release 2021/1.
All listed features are published inside your own SoccerLAB environment or will be on a short notice.
Inside this overview we show the most important new features and changes, but we have also made
several smaller improvements.
Be aware that not all features might be in your environment yet.
If you have a specific question or want more information, please contact your consultant.
*Please note; all screenshots and texts represent fictitious data, no confidential club/team/player data is published
Table of Contents
*If you click a subject you are immediately redirected to this specific subject
Scouting planning widget
A new widget is available showing games of specific tournaments which are of interest for your scouting activities. You select any of your calendar filters, so based on this filter the games per day are shown, and behind a game you can schedule your scouting tasks:
Player Profile - switch between internal and external player profile
If a player has a history at your own club, always the button is shown to switch btween the internal and external profile:
Player Profile - Game widget
Inside the player profile a new widget about the games of a player is available, which contains the action button to execture directly certain activities for the game (available on internal and external player profiles)
Player Profile - Upcoming games
Inside the player profile a new widget about the 5 potential upcoming games of a player is now available, so a scout can directly schedule scouting tasks from there:
Player Profile - Scouting AVG widget
A new widget on a player profile can be used, where the average of all scout reports is calculated. In the settings of the widget it can be defined, which templates and timeframe should be covered:
Player Profile - Scouting scores and categories widget
With this widget, you define yourself which template and which categories of your templates should define the SIZE and the COLOUR of a selected icon inside this widget. This gives the option to indicate with one icon the performance of a player based on different templates and categories:
Player Profile - Scout report widget
A new widget inside the player profile allows to see and filter on scout reports of the player, the detailed filter options are directly available:
Module 06 - Medical
Current status - print option
Inside the medical status screen, a new print button is added. Please make sure, you select the correct print settings like landscape:
Module 8 - Scouting
Scout reports - use letters for given and perspective score
An application setting is introduced so a customer can decide, if the given and perspective score should be entered by a letter instead of a score. Behind each letter the system can calculate a score, based on the definition by the customer:
Scout reports - use scores behind values/drop down list items
If you want to score your players with letters like A, B, C etc. or other drop down values, we enable now the option to define scores behind these values, e.g. "A" means a "10". This makes it possible to calculate averages and other scores even when you use drop down values:
Scout report template - icon
Per scout report template, an icon can be used, which will be displayed in several list views of scout reports. The icon will help to identify types of scout reports:
Scout report template - weight per category
Per category inside a scout report template, a weight can be defined for cases, where you want to stress out the importance of certain categories for the calculation of the average scores.
By using the "weight" it is also possible to exclude a certain category from the total calculated score.
Scouting source - weight
Per scouting source, a weight can be defined now:
Scouting source - icon
Per scouting source, an icon can be used, which will be displayed in several list views of scout reports. The icon will help to identify based on which source reports were created:
Module 08 - Calendar
Create a calendar filter containing multiple Tournament definitions
This option allows you to select multiple Tournament definitions inside one calendar filter.
This feature is related to the new "Scouting planning widget".
Module 12 - Player Development
Player reports - use scores behind values/drop down list items
Analogue to the scouting module and the option for criteria, to define scores behind drop down values, the same functionality is available inside this module as from now.
Player report template - weight per category
Analogue to the scouting module also for player evaluation templates on category level a weight can be defined.
Filter by default "Internal players only"
When creating a Personal development report, mostly you only need internal players.
Therefore we have added a checkbox to show only internal players.
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