2022/1 SoccerLAB Release Notes
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
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SoccerLAB Documentation

2022/1 SoccerLAB Release Notes

Hereby we present the release notes of Feature Release 2022/1.
All listed features are published inside your own SoccerLAB environment or will be on a short notice.
Inside this overview we show the most important new features and changes, but we have also made
several smaller improvements.

Be aware that not all features might be in your environment yet. 
If you have a specific question or want more information, please contact your consultant.

*Please note; all screenshots and texts represent fictitious data, no confidential club/team/player data is published

Table of Contents

  1. *If you click a subject you are immediately redirected to this specific subject

General Features

“Action menu” in header line

Via the “Action menu” in the header line of our application, a user saves a lot of clicks entering several data types:


Action menu on team level

Via the “Action menu” on team level a user saves a lot of clicks entering several data types:


Switch team but keep the context

You can switch the Seasonal team, but keep the context.

For instance inside the list of games of U18, you can quickly go to the games of U16




An additional module is created to change the COLOR setting and the FONT for both Browser Application and the Mobile Apps.

This module is called: Whitelabel








Adjust CLUB / FEDERATION and SEASON settings

Check or adjust the organisation setting or the season setting


Adjust evaluation settings

Check or adjust the evaluation settings.

Before doing this, please consult your CSM.



The game header is cleaned-up

The header inside the game form has been cleaned up.

All actions are put into the “Action menu”

And “next” and “previous” buttons are also adjusted



Logo’s of Countries / Tournament / Clubs

The logos are now shown in better resolution




Upload logo’s of tournaments

And it is now possible to upload new logo’s for tournaments






Collapsable header

The header inside team and player profiles is now collapsable.

So more info could be displayed without having to scroll down.



Visualization of dashboards

The functionality of having different dashboards is available for a long time already, but we found out it was difficult to find for the end-user.

Therefore we have made it more visible showing then on top like tabs.



Couple a tag to a Person

It was already possible to couple a “tag” to a player, but now it is possible to link to any Person.

The tags give a lot of flexibility to “mark” persons having some kind of characteristic, function etc.

Of course, the tag can be used in the person list view → Advanced search



Module 03 - Online analysis

Backend improvement of encoding

Our development team worked on improving the encoding.

With the goal to have faster and better encoding of ALL video types.

Module 04 - Team training

Add an exercise from your library by TYPING the name of the exercise


Module 05 - Performance assessment

Filter in radar charts

Inside the radar charts a filter is added so performance test definitions can be filtered out by Category.


Add tags to Performance test results


For entered test results a user can assign tags per player. On team and player level new widgets/pages allow to see the history of the results in relation to selected tags, including different benchmark options. Please ask your CSM for more information.






Players can access their own test results

You can add a widget on the dashboards of players, so he/she can see his own test results when logging in to SoccerLAB:



Show/Hide tags on input screen

There is a tickbox to show/hide the tags, this helps when you copy/paste data from an Excel file.



Module 06 - Medical 

Participation plan can now be adjusted

The participation plan was fixed once it was saved, but now it can be adjusted even by setting a specific hour.
Of course no overlapping is possible:




Module 09 - Scouting

Menu adjusted to the chronological workflow

The scouting workflow is not always a fixed one, but we decided to group the buttons belonging together to get a much nicer overview page.



Filter by multiple scouts

Inside the scout report list view and scouted players it is possible to filter by MULTIPLE scouts



Follow up widget

Follow up widget has a better look and feel


Module 12 - Player Development

Search by multiple players and/or seasonal teams

Inside the main page of Personal Development, the advanced search has been expanded so you can search by multiple players, but also search by seasonal team.


Seasonal team overview

Inside the seasonal team overview, we have deleted the 2 old-fashioned blocks and replaced it with the same view as from the main dashboard.
This gives much easier access in searching and comparing player data.



New module: Kanban

Scouted players Kanban

A Kanban makes it possible to move a player from one column to an other, related on tags and a specified subject. A user can define which KPIs and data he wants to see inside the player cards of the Kanban Board.

The first Kanban Board released is based on scouted players having a tag.

Kanban will be extended to use it for the internal player development, too.

Instead of changing a tag inside the player profile, this can be done in the Kanban, just by drag and drop, of course the tag is then also updated within the player profile.

*Kanban will be released upon request after including inside the customers agreement.

The Japanese word “kanban”, meaning “visual board” or a “sign”, has been used in the sense of a process definition since the 1950s.


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