2020/3 SoccerLAB Release notes March
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SoccerLAB Documentation

2020/3 SoccerLAB Release notes March

Hereby we present the release notes of March 2020.
All listed features are published inside your own SoccerLAB environment or will be on a short notice.
Inside this overview we show the most important new features and changes, but we have also made
several smaller improvements.

Be aware that not all features might be in your environment yet. 
If you have a specific question or want more information, please contact your consultant.

*Please note; all screenshots and texts represent fictitious data, no confidential club/team/player data is published

Table of Contents

*If you click a subject you are immediately redirected to this specific subject




SHB-5082User Management: open in new TAB - work on BETA but not on customer side


FFD-17Inside the 10 skinfold method the skinfold "Supraspinal" is missing (we show only 9)
HD-4Sum of Skinfolds displays strange SUM at sc Heerenveen, but works at BETA (code not merged in?)
PCD-18Location Management: Training locations are always saved with only small letters and not considering any capital letter
PSG-113Inside Silverlight ALL paramedic appointments seem to be double
SHB-4976Dashboard manager - Scout: still not possible to add the "Scouting" widget to the dashboards
SHB-5163Player profile - PERSONAL PROFILE - no data when you check the Personal profile in EDIT modus of the player profile
SHB-5256It is not possible to edit single occurrence of a repeating questionnaire appointment
PCD-254layer pages not loading in Parma environment

2020/3 SoccerLAB Release notes March 2020

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