2020/5 SoccerLAB Release notes July
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SoccerLAB Documentation

2020/5 SoccerLAB Release notes July

Hereby we present the release notes of July 2020.
All listed features are published inside your own SoccerLAB environment or will be on a short notice.
Inside this overview we show the most important new features and changes, but we have also made
several smaller improvements.

Be aware that not all features might be in your environment yet. 
If you have a specific question or want more information, please contact your consultant.

*Please note; all screenshots and texts represent fictitious data, no confidential club/team/player data is published

Table of Contents

*If you click a subject you are immediately redirected to this specific subject


On a player profile a new widget is available, which shows the history chart of game evaluations of this player:

Module 01 - User- and rights management

User per workgroup

We indictate now how many users are assigned to a workgroup, in the list of workgroups as well as when you create/edit a workgroup.
And behind the username we show the Business Unit the account is related to.

Module 02 - Master data management

No new features in this release

Module 03 - Online analysis

No new features in this release

Module 04 - Team training

No new features in this release

Module 05 - Performance Assessment

No new features in this release

Module 06 - Medical

Injury card - weather conditions

Inside the injury card, a user can select the injury conditions, at the time when the injury happended:

Also in the list views, it will be shown:

Amount of returning injuries

If you mark inside the injury card that it is a returning injury, you can select now the number of recurrences:

Player profile - filter medical appointments 

We have added the filter options inside the medical menu of a player profile, so that you can select e.g. only appointments of a certain type or by a certain physio, doctor etc.:

Duplicate medical appointments

In the list of medical appointments, you can select via the action button the new option "Duplicate", so that a new appointment with the same meta data is created:

Show medical related documents in player profile

Inside the medical menu of the player profile, we show now all related documents of injuries/illnesses and also of all medical appointments of this player:

Filter on ill body parts in injury lists

The quick search inside our injury list views is now also checking the ill body parts:

Inside the detailed filter options, one or more body parts can be selected for your filter:

Module 08 - Calendar

No new features in this release

Module 09 - Scouting

No new features in this release

Module 10 - Documents

No new features in this release

Module 13 - Evaluations (Staff)

No new features in this release

Module 17 - Personal development

No new features in this release

GPS data

No new features in this release

SoccerLAB Apps

Scout app

Link player to a team

Inside the scout app we made it possible to link an existing player to a seasonal team

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